These incredibly powerful healings are focused on removing any and all energetic and physical programming negatively affecting the body. Whether you're searching for chakra healing near me or reiki energy healing near me, these groundbreaking healings are designed to restructure the body on an energetic and physical DNA level and Brain and Heart Brain level. Each healing session aims to alter the body’s master cells and all other necessary areas to bring about the highest results. If you're interested in healing the body, this is all made possible utilizing frequency and vibration, as well as the energies of Source and other light beings of the highest capabilities. Looking for a “spiritual healer near me”? We’ll be your best search result for “spiritual healer near me”!

Heart Opening Healing
Investment: $600
Complimentary option available!
With GLH's complete Heart Opening, spiritually and emotionally open your heart 100%. Strip away the subconsciously placed protective barriers that are actually blocking you from safe and fulfilling relationships, higher levels of career and financial success, the strongest connection to your spiritual gifts, perfect health, and an ultimate love for yourself and your life. Each healing session is a step towards healing the body. Join us now if you’re searching for “chakra healing near me”!
5G Protection Healing
Investment: $600
Payment plan option available!
GLH's incredible 5G Protection Healing will make all the necessary adjustments to your energetic and physical body that will leave you with the lifetime assurance that your energy, your body and your intuitive gifts are all permanently protected from the damaging affects of the 5G and any existing or future EMF damage from electronics and technology. A healing session with a spiritual healer can further enhance this protection, ensuring that healing the body is a holistic experience.

Perfect Skin & Scalp
Investment: $600
Payment plan option available!
GLH's powerful Perfect Skin & Scalp Healing will rewrite your energetic and physical body's programming to remove and undo anything in the way of perfect skin and scalp health. Experience a rapid decrease in any existing problems with the skin and scalp until symptoms completely disappear. Maintain beautiful, healthy looking skin and scalp.
Ultimate Energetic Sleep Healing & Mastery
Investment: $1,300
Payment plan option available!
Completely transform your sleep with GLH's Ultimate Energetic Sleep Healing & Mastery. Make all the necessary adjustments to your energetic and physical body's programming to ensure that nothing is in the way of you falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up feeling fully rejuvenated. Unlock your body's capabilities to decompress and retain/lock in a full day's worth of information and integration during the sleeping hours. Looking for proven ways to improve your sleep? Guided Light Healing is the solution to your search for “spiritual healer near me.”
Permanent Youth DNA Activation for Physical Transformation Healing
Investment: $3,000
Payment plan option available!
The only way to attain the coveted, life-long youth that everyone wants is making changes at the DNA level. With GLH's ground-breaking, next level healing technology incorporated in this Youth Healing, rewrite your DNA's blueprint to produce youth throughout your whole mind and body for the rest of your life. Rewrite any programming in the brain or DNA that's causing age-related illness, appearance, and deterioration. Reactivate your pituitary gland which supplies youth to 100% and more.
Ultimate Dark Forces Clearing & 6 Month Protection Healing
Investment: $600
Payment plan option available!
With GLH's Ultimate Dark Forces Healing, have your entire physical and energetic body, your spaces and your past completely cleared of dark forces. Repair mental and physical illness, loss of energy and dark thoughts, damaged relationships dynamics, and much more. Have this air-tight protection last for 6 months so you can focus your full efforts on what really matters to you without the damaging affects of negative energetic influence.
True Self Radiance Amplification Healing
Investment: $600
Payment plan option available!
Specially designed to completely supercharge your energy field, which create your outside world, to attract levels of success from your actions that was not possible before, GLH's True Self Radiance Amplification Healing offers you and your life benefits that would be off the charts! Dramatically cut out all the unnecessary waste in your life. Bring in clarity of your future moves and focuses. If you're searching “chakra healing near me”, this healing can attract levels of success from your actions that were not possible before.
Ultimate Brain Abilities Energetic Unlock Healing
Investment: $1,300
Payment plan option available!
Do you find yourself searching “reiki energy healing near me” to reduce your stress levels? This Ultimate Brain Abilities Energetic Unlock healing will completely reprogram your brain to work at its highest, divine potentials. Supercharge your brain's function, memory storage and recall to be as efficient, as permanent, and as easily accessible as a computer. Unlock your full photographic memory abilities, your mastered problem solving skills, body healing capabilities and other personally unique brain gifts.
Complete Intuition Energetic Unlock & Reprogramming Healing
Investment: $1,300
Payment plan option available!
Take your intuitive gifts to a remarkable and mastered next level with GLH's Complete Intuition Energetic Unlock & Reprogramming Healing. Adjust all energies related to intuition that will unlock and enhance your abilities to read animals, objects, and different frequencies in the world, predict the future, feel what the world feels, connect to Source, Guides, or beings that have crossed over, as well as your abilities to get the highest, clearest answers for yourself and others.
Perfect Body Energetic Reprogram Healing
Investment: $3,000
Payment plan option available!
With GLH's Perfect Body Energetic Reprogram Healing, experience a total body transformation that will put a smile on your face. Eliminate any energy related to weight gain, negative affects from food consumption and the body's abilities to perfectly detox or destroy viruses, bacteria, fungus, or heavy metals. Reprogram your body's energy to unlock your physical body's abilities to achieve the highest potentials with fitness, appearance, overall function health, and much more. Your search for “reiki energy healing near me” ends here - we’re here to help.